Thursday 3 December 2015

Reading Eggs Instructions

Dear Parents,

Just letting you know that once you receive your child's reading eggs login information you can access it from your home computer or iPad.

How to do it: 
When you have entered  your child's login details you will see this picture come up onto the main screen. Click on the book icon that says" My program". 

You will then see this:

Your child will be able to have ago at reading the books in their program and they will also have to complete all the lessons on their map before progressing forwards. 

I hope your child finds this helpful and motivating to read! read! read! over the holidays! 

Any queries about reading eggs please don't hesitate to email me. 

:) Miss Horrocks 

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Reading Eggs

Welcome to Reading Eggs! 

Good evening Parents,

We are very lucky to have an early subscription that will follow on into next year so we can utilise this wonderful program for the rest of the term and over the holidays. The reading eggs program is a wonderful online reading program that focuses on phonics and helping your child to be a more confident reader. The Reading Eggs program is both motivational and fun way for children to get excited about reading.

Each child has been given a login which is inside their clear reading folder book so they can access the program at home ( Please return these folders back to school ASAP). Each child has or will do a reading placement test at school. This will place them in the correct map and reading level within the program. They need to finish their lessons on their map before moving forward. I am able to login as a teacher and check the progress of each of the students as they complete their allocated lessons. The children can read books, complete lessons and create and change their avatar (which is often the first thing they like to do).

The program is meant to become part of the children's reading routine for the rest of the term and into next year.  For the more competent readers who finish all the lessons in the Reading Eggs program there is Reading Eggspress.

Please view the video below to learn more about the benefits of Reading Eggs and the find out how you and your child can navigate each part of the program.

Have a look at the ReadingEggspress video too!

I understand that some of you have already purchased Reading Eggs privately, however as the subscription is through the school, I would appreciate if you use the school login so I am able to keep track of each child in the class and pass this information onto your child's Year One teacher.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.

From Miss Horrocks. 

New member to our PPH family.

Just wanted to say a big congratulations!! to the Bateman family on the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, Abby May. We are so excited Grace and Spencer have a new sister. 

We loved Grace's special news today and the beautiful photo of Abby. 

Hope we get a visit soon!!! 

:) Miss Horrocks 

Monday 30 November 2015

Home readers

Hi PPH Parents, 

I'm so proud of how each child has progressed in their reading and the hard work they have all put in learning many of their sight words this semester. 

This week all home readers and library books will need to be returned ready for our librarian to scan them back in before the holidays. No more readers will be given out. This doesn't mean stop reading time all together. Please keep reading to your child or let them practise reading to you from books from the local library or stories online ( star and reading eggs). 
Please keep revising your child's sight words every night. The clear folder was sent home today. By now most of the children have their purple set of words. The following sets are what your child is expected to know or to be exposed to by the end of Pre-Primary. 

Set 0ne: 

Set Two:

Set Three: 

Set Four: 

Set Five: 

Extra words we use all the time in our daily writing, reading and speaking activities: 
look, see, my, here, mum, dad and went. 

Next blog will inform you about reading eggs which is an exciting online resource that your child can use now until the end of term,over the holidays and for Year One. 

Thank you for your support. I can't believe the children are nearly Year One's. 

:)Miss Horrocks 

Monday 23 November 2015

Fire truck School Visit

On Friday the Local voleenter firefighters came to visit both
Pre-Primary classes. They did an excellent job showing us the ' big red truck' and telling us all about fire and rescue. The children were taught all about the equipment and their uses and important fire safety information. The Pre-Primaries even got to be little fire fighters and hold the 30 metre long hose. Phil, Mike and the team spoke very well and I was very proud of the children's listening manners and questioning skills. 

We are very lucky to have these firefighters in out community helping us stay safe. 

Thank you fire fighters for coming to visit us!

Love PPH and PPB. 


Star Citizen for term 4

Congratulations to Avalon Paterson for demonstrating the value of excellence this term. She received the star citizen award for the effort she puts into all her work. Well done Avie! 

Sunday 22 November 2015

Week 6 merit certificates

Congratulations to Lilly who received a merit certificate at Friday's Assembly. Laura was the only birthday girl in the school. Happy 6th birthday Laura! 

PPH would like to welcome the Jordan family to OLC and Haylee to our classroom. Haylee received a merit certificate for the beautiful way she is settling into PPH.